Nuclear weapons have been a topic of debate for decades. These destructive devices have the power to obliterate entire cities, and their use can have devastating...
The Billionaires
The world's billionaires have a profound impact on our governments and environment. With their vast wealth and influence, they are able to shape policy and exploit...
A sociopath is a person who has a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and disregard for the feelings, rights, and well-being of others. A psychopath...
Eli Lilly is a pharmaceutical company that has been involved in various legal controversies and settlements over the years. Some examples include:
Neonatal nurse charged with murdering seven babies and attempting to kill 10 others accused in court of injecting newborns with air and feeding them insulin at a...
Demand for weapons, ammunition, and other types of war equipment surged as the Third Reich steadily prepared for war and a rematch to satisfy German grievances regarding...
The largest pig factory farming company in the world, Smithfield Foods, owns a factory farm close to Wieckowice in Poland that has contracted African Swine Fever. On...
Dow Chemicals, which represents the Corporate-State globally, is accountable for a number of environmental crimes that have been linked to severe health, labour, and...
The release of 40 tonnes of hazardous methyl isocyanate gas into the atmosphere, which killed over 3,000 people instantly and left hundreds of thousands more suffering...